
Life is a journey, and mine has a few phases to it!

I’ll do my best to keep this short and sweet.

To avoid getting into my whole “mission statement” again, I’d suggest reading the main page and the about section first, otherwise this may not make too much sense.

Assuming that’s done, here’s what the phases are all about.

Getting to where I am now was.. weird. I was raised in a spiritually oppressive environment by parents who meant well but didn’t understand their kid. As a result, I kinda broke.. I spent almost a decade in a severe, near suicidal depression, but that’s a story for another time. The reason I bring it up is because I’m lumping all that shit into something I’m calling Phase 0.

Phase 0: (Complete)

Age: 0-21

This phase holds the person I used to be. Angry, without purpose and more than a little lost. I was profoundly unhappy and lonely, but was so emotionally crippled I couldn’t even become aware of how bad it was. It’s not a time I’m particularly fond of looking back on.

It took me two relationships, a few close calls on taking my life, four years of therapy and eventual psychedelic exploration to break out of this Phase.

Phase 1: (On-going)

Age: 21-25 (I’m currently 23)

The reason I’ve already set the end date of Phase 1 is because each phase has its own meaning, significance and “plan”.

Phase 1 is predominantly centered around my personal development. If you’re at all familiar with my old content, you’ll be able to see how far I’ve come just in the last few years. As you might imagine, coming out of the mentality of Phase 0, I had a lot of trauma to heal from. In fact, I still do.

I could barely speak to other people, I’d long since lost the ability to cry, or even feel with any measure of depth or quality. I was a wreck of fear, vulnerability and distress. Phase 1 marked when I decided to change all that, it’s when I decided to make this life my journey, my lifelong experiment seeking peace, love and fulfilment.

But to do that, I need to be able to face my fears. I need to take action, communicate and cooperate with those in my surroundings. I need to function… otherwise nothing could ever get done. That’s what this phase is all about. I gave myself 5 years (an arbitrary timeline I admit) to simply grow my potential without pressure of deadlines, self judgement or anything else like it.

My only goal is to love myself, work on myself and become the person who will be capable of meeting the requirements of my goals, of which there are many! (Check out my projects tab 😉)

When I was 22, I did an internal inventory of my progress (completed vs pending) and found that were my progress to continue at a steady pace, I’d be “functional” by 25. Almost two years in and I’m still on course to meet that objective! I’m actually quite proud of myself, it hasn’t been easy but it’s been entirely necessary.

Phase 2: (Pending)

Age: 25 - ?

This is where things get interesting. Although the work has already begun in some capacity, Phase 2 marks the beginning of my growth. This project, all these projects kick off for real.

Video production, content promotion, project development, creator collaborations and more!

Phase 2 is me taking this shit seriously, getting my ass in first gear and taking on my projects head on. I truly cannot say how long I’ll remain in Phase 2, because like I said, these phases all mean something different.

It’ll end when I’m able to quit my day job and do this for a living. You see, I’m currently a night shift worker in a physically demanding job. It’s exhausting and time consuming.

But, that’s life, so don’t imagine this is me complaining! It just means that for as long as 50+ of my hours per week are dedicated towards something that robs me of my energy, I can only do so much. It’s why Phase 2 ends when I’m able to quit my job and do this full time, initiating Phase 3.

My more optimistic estimates place its start near my 30th birthday, although realistic estimates are much more likely 33-35. It depends how all this goes, how much community support I get through things like Patreon, YouTube AdSense and so forth. What makes this more difficult is that out of principle I won’t be taking corporate sponsorships that I don’t agree with or support.

I’m not in this for the money, and I’m primarily driven by integrity which is why I’m going to try and be primarily funded by the community, by people like you.

If you find this path I’m on interesting and worth your support, please check my Donations Page and/or my Patreon Page where I have subscription tiers for all price ranges (even 1$ a month). Truly, anything helps and should you be able to spare 12$ a year (2-3 coffees), your kind act would get me that much closer to owning my time and truly starting my projects in earnest! Which leads me to Phase 3.

Phase 3: (Pending)

A part of what I’m trying to achieve will require the ownership of my time.

If you’re familiar with my content, you’ll likely be aware that I have a rather intimate relationship with substances, particularly psychedelics.

Demanding trips require some time to prepare before hand, during, and especially after. As of now, I try to squeeze them into my weekends alongside all my other responsibilities (not to mention my night schedule which doesn’t help). It also has an effect on post trip integration, diminishing the returns somewhat. But please, don’t think that’s all I’ll be doing with my time!

I’ll also be traveling quite a bit. Some of my projects will require me to travel to other provinces or countries to meet groups, partake in activities and meet investors/collaborators. I’ll also be taking some time for personal expeditions, growing my capacities and challenging myself in various ways.

For example, one of many things on my bucket list is to spend a few months to a year in a monastery somewhere in Tibet or the like.

But again, it’s not all Psychaunotics and travel, it’s also having the time to develop my more demanding projects. The most ambitious being The Everything Solution, a theoretical proposition to simultaneously tackle everything going wrong in society.

For now, it’s still a framework model with a conceptual understanding of how it would function but it’ll be requiring literal decades of my life to develop alongside a hopefully thriving community of like minded seekers. If you’re curious to see a non-expansive list of SOME of what I’ve got in mind for the coming decades, please check out the Projects tab up top. It has a barebones summary of some of my favourites (or those currently developed enough to present). Remember, I’ll be at this for decades, who knows what I’ll be getting up to ;)

Phase 4+: (Unknown)

This phase will be hard to explain, in part because I don’t know what it is yet!

My gut tells me that by the time I’m 50, I’ll have shifted goals towards something rather specific, and the halfway mark to becoming a centennial may just be the right time to enter a new phase!

If I listen to my intuition, I’m seeing Phase 3 as the development of my projects, and Phase 4 as the initiation of trying it implement it into the real world.

For example, one of my projects is to one day found an Academy, a revised take on the current educational system with a twist. It’s actually meant to develop its students instead of creating dull, mindless drones. I’d love to work with several international groups and perhaps even local governments to build a completely revolutionary approach towards education! But that’s decades from now, until then, I’ll be studying and compiling my observations as I work towards that goal.

But that’s a somewhat fuzzy description of what Phase 4 may be, along with an approximate timeline. And of course, me being me, I can’t help but flirt with what Phase 5 might, although I fully admit that I’ll only be able to tell when I actually get there (approximately at 70 ish).

It’ll probably be marked by an internal search for enlightenment, fostering a sense of community and passing on the torch to the next generation of seekers. But who can tell for sure, that’ll be a decision for future me!

So all that said, if you find this journey of mine worthy of your support, it would be immensely appreciated!

Of course, there’s absolutely no pressure, but even the lowest subscription tier would make a world of difference if you, and everyone like you chose to help support this crazy expedition into the unknowns of human potential!

Thank you all so much for your time, your curiosity and perhaps even your support ❤️

It means more than you know. - Alex (OnlyHueman)

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

— Squarespace