
Our world is in disarray.

No longer does it function on behalf of its people. It does not serve, it does not uplift, it does not put first the will and well-being of its citizens.

Of you.

Admittedly, I can be a touch dramatic at times.

Then again, do you think me incorrect?

We’ve grown accustomed to this new way of life. To being second class citizens, in a third class democracy, in a first world country.

How strange.

Must we do as we are told?


  • We do not need permission to exist.

    Or at least we shouldn’t have to.

    But please, enlighten me. How does one become the best version of themselves.. free of unnecessary anxiety and stress, capable of taking on opportunities for growth amidst a looming financial crisis, rising inflation and stagnating wages..

  • We should have a say in our futures.

    But we don’t.

    Our votes, literally.. do not matter. They do not sway policy, international climate accords are continuously ignored, wars are fought on.. our behalves?

    No one listens to us. How disempowering.

  • It's almost like that's the point.

    I’ve decided not to let that stop me.

    I advise you do the same.

    Actually, why don’t we all do something about that…

    Luckily for us, I’ve got a plan!




